[email protected]%22&source=bl&ots=m4C9LbH2Kc&sig=Llxsn06Uzrn8GfaP11OFPsDXVfI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX2M-6yM_JAhVKeT4KHZigAv4Q6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
I'm glad you're on the case Bruno. You seem to have a talent for digging stuff up.
I've lost track - Klieman's the dead dude, right? The holder of the trust? Did I see elsewhere he's an ex-cop with a background hacking investigations?
Take a look at this from 2008:
It's possible that Craig Wright did some legit work with Dave Kleiman back in the day unrelated to Bitcoin, then Craig developed some scheme in his Serial Uni mind to take advantage of Dave's demise, i.e., making it look like Dave was Satoshi since he's no longer around to deny it, thinking it prudent to not claim he and Hal Finney were Team Satoshi just in case the Popsicle came back to life, exiting his cryo chamber earlier than expected.
That was what i was thinking too.
And that 2008 bit of info is bullshit.
I wiped data for the Canadian govt.. 4 years before that was posted.
And i had to choose what pattern / passes etc.
This expert was spouting nonsense.. even a retard knows that spots on drives are flagged right from the factory.
they are made flawed before they leave the factory and in time those bad blocks pop up more and more as the drive dies.
When that happens it takes spare blocks from the pool and redirects to the good block instead the bad flagged one.
That is how all hard drives work.
Only a few years ago i threw away my old 256 mb had drives (or smaller)
I had too much crap collecting dust.
So his point of writing to the same spot will of course never work because the spots are different on ever drive *almost guaranteed.
And the hacker man found out how to press the service buttons on his coffee maker and break it needing service ?
Wow what a hacker LOL
I thin k this guy has a habit of flapping his gums and tooting his horn but doesn't have the game to back it up.
And in case anyone cares i used US DOD something like 3 passes back in 2004'sih and that took like 24hrs to do in DOS.
Wright is an idiot.