If you love Hashing24's 405% ROI, then listen up because I'm 'bout to tell you'all how to double said reward. Now, most yous ain't versed in math numbers like me and Ivan is, so simply taketh our words for the following. I's found another site that also too promises a 405% ROI, thus (here comes the math numbers part) 405 + 405 = 810 as in 810% ROI. WOWWWWWWWWW!, you say. I know. Me's too was aback taken, couldn't believes me own eyes. In a second I's gonna share with yous the site I found on the wew, but first get your wallets ready because I know yous want to participate because yous trust me.
Yous wallets ready?
Here's the site: https://sleshasian.com/
Here's Slesh Asian's logo:
Not to be confused with Hashing24's logo:
Here's proof of Slesh Asian's 405% ROI and bitcoin mining scrypt algorithm:
Not to be confused with Hashing24's 405% ROI and bitcoin mining scrypt algorithm:
Here's part of Slesh Asian's Terms of Service:
You can get more than 1.4% Return on Investment Daily with Bitlioner Organization. Check out price in attachment.
You can earn more with its Handsomely Designed Referral System. You can get up to 10% Bitcoin as a referral Bonus or Get 12% Power as a Referral Bonus.
Also, you have a GOLDEN CHANCE to become they representative * and earn more. They Provide *Province representative and Country representative 2% and 1% respectively.
Auto Withdrawal System is Available.
Website: https://bitlioner.com
The following is the second reply to the OP above (same thread):
Organization: WHOISGUARD, INC. (Red flag)
Address: P.O. BOX 0823-03411
City: PANAMA (Red flag)
State/Province: PANAMA (Red flag)
Postal Code: 00000
Country: PA (Red flag)
Phone: +507.8365503
Fax: +51.17057182
see this phone number (+507.8365503)
was the same phone number used in that other site scammer
From Hashing24: https://www.facebook.com/hashing24/videos/1785673278336920/?comment_id=1796777993893115&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D