I'm glad it isn't just me. Even if I was okay with using USDT it means a lot of risk to get the BTC I actually want.
1) Sell hashes ... don't know when they will sell.
2) Transfer USDT from hashnest to some exchange incurring more delays and fees.
3) Exchange USDT for BTC incurring more fees and risk.
I don't have any probably will allowing USDT to be used as an alternative but there are come basics missing here.
1) It should be a choice to recieve/pay in mined coin or USDT, it shouldn't be forced
2) It should be possible to select what you want your payments in that is what is being done
3) It should be possible to exchange or withdraw at all times at hashnest.
Right now this looks more like a grab to keep more of the BTC, etc in exchange for something that may not even have a good future.
At least I hope the S15 stays BTC.
I saw this:
https://support.hashnest.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027001652-An-interview-by-Cailu-Cloudmining-exists-as-cryptocurrency-persists"CAILU: When users have made their purchases on Hashnest, they trust that the miners are deployed for real time mining. It does seem like this part is not heavily monitored. What do you think a cloudmining platform should do to make customers trust that it is really mining for them? Might a strict monitoring become a thing for future cloud mining?
ROB: Users can choose to automatically convert their mined bitcoins to USDT or ZEC to BTC. But I don’t recommend changing your coins to USDT now, bull market might be a better time to do so." ...
Has anyone seen this type of option? I don't what my BTC to be converted to something I don't want like USDT by some kind of default setting change. Anyway I've never seen anything like that.