I bought a bunch of MSI armor 4gb OC.
Using a power save bios, I'm able to achieve between 25 to 27mh/card using 100w/card But.. for no reason, even if I set the clock engine to 1075, when launching claymore, it shows 1068-1075 then drops to 813 to 830mhz. I even tried using the -cclock 1075 in the batch file but no success so far, anyone experiencing this? It results in a card doing 21.3 to 21.7mh/sec.. Hynix memory... I'm confused.
Thank you!!
I also have a couple MSI RX 570 Armor OC 4GB cards. Is the power save BIOS you're referring to from Anorak? I tried that one as well and was only getting 20-21 MH/s. Anorak's memshift BIOS got me in the 24 area. I modified the power save BIOS to increase memory to 1975 and upped the max power limit to 115 watts, and now I'm getting 26-27 MH/s but the power draw is ~125 watts per card at the wall.
I'm fairly new to this, but I feel the driver is probably throttling back the clock to stay under the 100 watt power limit in Anorak's power save BIOS. Increasing the power limit keeps it from throttling, but of course then draws more power. Someone on Anorak's forum reported 25-27 MH/s at 95-100 watts with the power save BIOS, but I don't know how. My cards can't seem to achieve that without using more power.
its just the luck of the ASIC quality most likely and yes i agree, it sounds like his clocks are just throlling due to the power limit
these 570 armor are tricky man i also have one, only bought one thank god haha
I actually used the OC version Anorak had up before (its removed now as it has a "show 0 in AB" bug that causes unstability, but it works (for now), 30mh/s at 100 watts 1150/2100
You can check to see if your problem is power throttling by just increasing the power on afterburner a bit and see if the clock pulls stable (or downclock for max hash at that power level too of course is option)
Good Luck!