Thanks for the assistance.
If you go to the "Receive Money" tab in your wallet how many addresses are listed under each of the sub tabs "Active", "Archived" and "Shared"
Make sure you go through all three and see if either of the addresses in question are listed there (especially the change address)
I have only 3 active addresses, 2 of them never had coins, and all of them are empty
Now more interesting questions:
Do you have any remaining balance in your wallet or did they take everything from all addresses in that wallet?
Currently I have balance of 0.00.
Are you using the web site directly or using a plug in (plug in is a bit safer)?
I used the web interface, from Firefox and Chrome and from several computers...
Which raise the question of where is the keylogger, if this is the explanation...
Are you using two factor authentication?
No, though, I guess it wouldn't help for keylogger.
Are you using the web site only, android application only or a combination of the two?
Both, the transaction in question happened after some usage of the Android app.
Do you have any other wallets besides your wallet?
I created few addresses on my computer when I played with the client, nothing alive or with coins.
Do you use the password you use at at any other web site anywhere?
Not on the web, I won't use it anymore...