If truly you do your research then you are not a good researcher, any money making things running via telegram group is all a scam, and it's real if you can't find any reviews about them, because there is none, you can only find reviews about websites not telegram groups, this is the easiest way for scammers to run their operations.
Listen to me, everything money related on telegram are scams, even every PMs you get from a stranger are all scammers, they will try to get into your head and confuse you, at the end of the day, their real motive is to take advantage of you.
Adjust your telegram settings, to never receive PM from any strangers and you as a person, you need to stop looking for such groups online, they plan to use telegram to stay out of site, it's only greedy people who always fall for this cheap tricks, no one as the solution to your financial problems all you need is a skill, learn it instead of looking for cheap ways to make money.