Some of the most common critiques of Bitcoin are: "it's too slow" or "the blockchain is getting too big". Sure newer coins offer faster tech, more sophisticated algorithms that are ASIC resistant, and so on. Let me ask you this - do you ever ride the old train in your city? Do you sit on the train and wonder why they don't put in a new superconducting train instead? We use the old train and it's no wonder because it works. Don't fix something that isn't broken, haven't we all learned that the hard way? And if it breaks down, surely it will be cheap to repair. Besides, what do you think cost more to complete, the train itself or clearing the path and laying the tracks? Bitcoin has value because it is a store of currency that will appreciate AND because it's just there. How can you buy the hottest new altcoin? Directly with fiat? You must but BTC from a Bitcoin exchange, then trade it on an altcoin exchange.
So often I see people saying "we are in a bubble" and "when the bubble bursts..." - but weren't these people saying the same thing when BTC made a huge push up to 2,700? Maybe we simply underestimated Bitcoin. Remember, Bitcoin is the first of its kind. We can't really look to history to predict how it will be valued like we can with other things.
So before you sell your coins, ask yourself this: how long has the old train been running in your city?
That is the problem , Old Bitcoin Does not Work.
If everytime you went to ride the Train, you had to wait for hours because all of the train was full and other people paid more than you so they kept jumping in front of you in line,
I do believe you would be thrilled if the new train with the ability to carry more passengers, so rich people would not keep bumping you from your train ride.
And your Fares would not keep increasing.
Bitcoin Cash is the New Train that can meet the schedule and carry all of the passengers. will be decommissioned. ╥Aztel
You are not seeing the bigger picture. Bitcoin Crap is fast at the moment, because a bunch of greedy miners shifted their hashing power to it, because it is currently more profitable to mine.
If it stay this way, the BTC difficulty will drop and BTC will be more profitable to mine. ^smile^
Also, BTC activated SegWit and most tx's are still being done on legacy wallets. Once more wallet providers start to enable SegWit compatible wallets, you will see a significant improvement in BTC confirmation times.
The final nail in Bitcoin Crap will be the activation of the Lightning Network. No other train will keep up with the Bullet train.