Gambling has to be persistent the more you go to gambling, the worse the life will be affected. Even if one has a good experience in gambling if one plays it every day it will develop addiction in him. If you lean too much towards addiction you risk losing something against your will that can never be recovered even if you want to, so be careful. Be within your limits before going to painful levels never hit the big win after greed.
Only rich people have a lot of time to gamble and have fun in their gambling. For me, it's normal for them to gamble every day because they have income from which they don't have to work. The money keeps coming into their account from the business they may already be running. That's why poor gamblers shouldn't do that, especially if they only want to chase winnings, it won't produce anything. Playing gambling every day will only result in them becoming heavy addicts and getting poorer because usually they won't have time to work hard to earn money.
Moreover, he divides his time with his family so that he spends his time gambling which actually does not provide benefits for him. I once had a friend who loved gambling every day until he finally stopped gambling after feeling lonely every day without his wife and children who had left him, now he has become A normal person gambles just for entertainment and still divides his time with his family so he can't really become a properly controlled gambler. The point is that it will never be good. In the end, gambling every day will only make us look even more stupid.
I also believe that people who are rich are those who have the luxury of being able to play every day, for a person like me, who has a middle class economy, to be able to play every day, I must have very good money management care to be able to cover all the needs, in my case I have a family and I have to cover the needs such as food, services, and apart from the expenses that arise from the children's education and sports, that is something that must be considered, so Even if I want to play in a casino every day, I can't do it, it would be a very big irresponsibility for me and those who depend on me, when I allocate some money to play in a casino not much, in reality it is a very insignificant amount compared to the one that many players here in the forum have, many do it with large sums of money.
By playing every day in a casino there is a high probability that the person who does it will become addicted, because they will have a desire to have money available to spend in the casino all the time, the problem will be when they cannot have enough money to fulfill that satisfaction at least in one day, then the desperate things that a person can do are many and that is the first symptom of addiction, something that must be handled with caution and with great tact.