Not sure what exactly has provoked the current change of atmosphere - it might've been the lockdown, but the temperature and pollution levels in my area are way different than last year and the air feels so clean right now. But what's funny and ironic is that we pay for the alleged pollution we create while the army is secretly testing nukes in the ocean/underground as if my "dropped can of Coke" is just as dangerous as what those bomb tests are, lol.
Not to mention other weapons they're using, the massive leakages of different substances in the ocean etc. Again, please don't compare my use of plastic stuff vs what all of the above does to Earth! If we wanted a change, I think the top 10 richest people in the world donating only 5-10% of their wealth to make a change would change something significantly for the better of everyone without making them poor (and would probably account for more than the total amount the entire world donates for this cause in an entire decade) but ... oh wait, their billions aren't used for the good of the planet, are they..