mehehehe.. in comparaison, AM successfully taped out by the end of march.. it took them 3 months for testing and launching mass production of their chips.. now they sold part of it, but mining rigs wont come before another 2 months or so i'd say... so i'd guess you got 6 more months to go
Hi hdbuck. I don't keep track of ASICMiner on a play-by-play basis as many do on the AM thread. However, I've been informed the given timeline is still realistic.
What is this "Large Deal" you speak off? Is it for pre-orders or is it a privet investor? (since required funds were not raised during IPO)
Do you at least have an ETA of when the tapeout should be complete (not begin)?
When you say "Coming days", do you mean within "Two WeeksTM"
Apologies for missing your PM from June 6th - the large deal is one that would raise the remaining funds not raised by the public offering.
I'm working with Sophia and Tom to see what additional information that I can release to investors. Be sure that as soon as I have information that I can disseminate, I'll be here with it.
While BFL's 'Two Weeks' comparisons are fashionable these days, do note that ALC hasn't missed any deadlines or hard dates set by the company. It is still early to mid June and the scheduled shipping date is July.
The team appreciates everyone's patience and understanding.