Now that AMHASH is giving us the finger, those of us that bought through Havelock and gave our money to them to this scam consider them co-responsible of this fiasco, so HL has to return our money.
Here is what we know of HL:
Most probably James Grant is the guy behind HL, a solo operation posibly, but it can be that his brother David Grant is also helping, alongside Carol Dewey and Betty Hobson, they operate from Canada, the addresses are:
110 Havelock street, Ottawa, name havelock taken from the place of residence..... naive,-75.677738,3a,75y,68.33h,85.93t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjxO4Ph2NnyqY0sVocnrXaA!2e0!6m1!1e1
That is the second address of known and confirmed residence of James Grant:,+Trenton,+ON+K8V+0B3,+Canada/@44.150218,-77.576709,3a,75y,0.37h,86.26t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMVLl0MreQv7LAkSfNeEhKA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d617c395557329:0x89dbef42edb7b841
most probably a family house where his parents might be living.
James Grant picture:
David Grant picture:
Most people knows that HL investments is only a paper company, of those that you can buy easily in Panama, even with addresses and phones and a secretary to answer the phone.
We have contacted russian and bulgarian friends in Canada that will start searching for this guys and their relatives and associates and when located will talk "amicably" on our behalf to recover our money, also they will contact Canadian authorities and file police reports, their fee is 15%, which we are going to pay from the recovered stash.
This is the first stage, shall this render no result, we will go to the second stage which is to seek closing of the Havelock website and those related, so those who have your money there, be warned: Get your money out before is too late.
So Havelock: For the sake of justice to the customers that trusted you and those who are still trusting you RETURN OUR MONEY OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES
*Mod Edit* You have multiple threads all going at the same time, so I'm going to lock the other two and link them through your OP here:
Please continue having all related conversations here.