To illustrate third-party risks / probability of seeing profit in this venture,
Two loosely related conditions have to be met for the Bitcoin investment to pay out dividends:
1. The issuer must make a profit.
2. The issuer must not run away with your money.
Fig. 1
Now allow me to place the Seedcoin scenario into a more familiar context for our young investment enthusiasts:
In a strange town, you find yourself in need of a dime bag.
Prudently proceeding to the shittiest part of town, you are attracted to a young gentleman (SF1) offering to take your money and BRB with teh bag.
You, being a wizened veteran of such dealings, hand over the money and tell him to "hurry back bro."
The gentleman reveals to you that he's not a runner himself, but knows the runner, will now go find him, hand over your money, and wait for the d00d to come back with teh bag.
You hand him another twenty & wait.