Why ? Why should I lower the amount or fee...I want to send this amount...I tried to change the fee more than 10 times and the same happened...and btw how am I supposed to select from which address to send money from ? There are these fields: Pay to , description , amount , fee. And that is all.
Are there problems alike that in other wallets like armory etc... ?
Let's assuem the following:
- 0.00005600 BTC is considered as dust
- you want to pay 0.001 BTC
- your wallet holds 0.00155000 BTC
- the fee you configured for this payment is 0.0005 BTC
The calculation is as follow:
0.00155000 - 0.00100000 - 0.00050000 = 0.00005000 BTC = dust
initial amount - payment - fee = remainder
If you would pay a higher fee then the calculation could be like this:
0.00155000 - 0.00100000 - 0.00055000 = 0.00000000 BTC = no dust
initial amount - payment - fee = remainder
Or you could go the opposite way and pay less fee:
0.00155000 - 0.00100000 - 0.00000000 = 0.00055000 BTC = no dust
initial amount - payment - fee = remainder