
Topic: Help! I had 78 bitcoins. (Read 2072 times)

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Bitcoin today is what the internet was in 1998.
May 04, 2012, 05:36:48 PM
If his bitcoins are lost forever, does that mean we are going to end up using smaller and smaller fractions of bitcoins in the future as this continues to happen (and it will I am sure)?

That is correct, for a different reason than what you might expect. Deflation from 'losing' Bitcoins is negligible; what really causes deflation over time is increased demand for Bitcoins and not many new Bitcoins being mined.

What is the theoretical smallest fraction bitcoins could handle?

0.00000001 Bitcoins (1/100,000,000 of a Bitcoin) is the smallest unit that it the current system can handle.

Is there anyway to tell how many coins are offline and/or lost compared to how many are floating around in the PtP network?

Not really that I know of. No one knows if you have deleted the wallet file - only that the Bitcoins contained in that wallet have not been spent yet.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
May 04, 2012, 05:20:59 PM
I have a related question. If his bitcoins are lost forever, does that mean we are going to end up using smaller and smaller fractions of bitcoins in the future as this continues to happen (and it will I am sure)? What is the theoretical smallest fraction bitcoins could handle? Is there anyway to tell how many coins are offline and/or lost compared to how many are floating around in the PtP network?
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
May 04, 2012, 02:14:23 PM
You really should backup!
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1036
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Bitcoin today is what the internet was in 1998.
May 04, 2012, 09:41:50 AM

A wallet where you memorize 101 51-character private keys?

You memorize a mnemonic.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1036
May 04, 2012, 07:45:14 AM
Immediately stop using the hard drive. If you must have a working system, make a disk image of the drive and use the image (use software like ghost 11); pull the drive and stop using it. Every disk write is a chance that the area of the drive that held the bitcoin private keys will be overwritten.

The private keys of bitcoin addresses can be recovered off the hard drive after the files are deleted. However, Windows Vista/7 defrags once a week and will quickly overwrite unallocated areas if you don't yourself.

A wallet where you memorize 101 51-character private keys?
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
May 03, 2012, 04:49:46 PM
If it is gone forever...
Congratulations, you have just made Bitcoins more rare.
So they should then be worth more.
So we should thank him?
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
May 03, 2012, 04:13:55 PM
If it is gone forever...
Congratulations, you have just made Bitcoins more rare.
So they should then be worth more.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
May 03, 2012, 09:18:16 AM
78 coins in 6 hours?  If he had the technical expertise to get that going on a bunch of systems, seems like he wouldn't have made such a silly mistake.  Also, how can you not have time to back up wallet.dat. 

1.Insert thumb drive.
2.Copy wallet.dat on to said thumbdrive
3.Eject said thumb drive

Maybe 2 minutes at maximum if you are having a problem finding wallet.dat.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1002
May 01, 2012, 02:34:38 AM
ITT a skiddie lost 78 bitcoins that took him 6 hours to steal because he deleted his windoze user account while trying to cover his tracks...

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
May 01, 2012, 02:05:48 AM
After you get this resolved, if you can, use an online wallet like blockchain instead.
sr. member
Activity: 439
Merit: 250
May 01, 2012, 12:34:19 AM
I want to know how you made 78 BTC in 6 hours. Smiley

Me Too!
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
May 01, 2012, 12:29:40 AM
I want to know how you made 78 BTC in 6 hours. Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 439
Merit: 250
Activity: 571
Merit: 504
I still <3 u Satoshi
April 27, 2012, 09:41:20 PM
Hehehe. Rain wallet.

Ha ha ha... wow, you must have not wasted ANY time, I fixed that the second I posted
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
|Argus| Accounting and Auditing on the Blockchain
April 27, 2012, 09:38:27 PM
Activity: 571
Merit: 504
I still <3 u Satoshi
April 27, 2012, 09:37:43 PM
Paper wallet is king.

Or, if you are really, really dedicated, commit the address and private key to memory.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1072
P2P Cryptocurrency
April 27, 2012, 08:46:11 PM
Uh. An unpleasant incident. Undecided
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
April 27, 2012, 08:24:03 PM
Turn off your computer immediately! Boot from another system and recover deleted wallet.dat file using specialized software.

 What specialized software do I use?  Huh

You did not give us much info about your system. Is it Windows or Linux?

If it is windows:
on XP machine wallet.dat lives in "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Bitcoin" Check whether it still exists. If not try to recover it using "specialised software":
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
|Argus| Accounting and Auditing on the Blockchain
April 27, 2012, 08:23:48 PM
I would use Recuva. Just google it then install it. Once you have it open select other as the file type you are looking for and pointing to the directory C:\Users\ and have it scan that for deleted files. Once it's done look through the list of files it finds and see if the wallet.dat is there and then restore the file.
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