The different is very clear, but depending on personal views and perspectives. Teaching a man how to fish, meaning showing or guiding a man a way to Hustle so as to have a joyful lifestyle after success, but when u give me bitcoin or give me what to eat for a while, I might still be dependent on someone to give me another time, in cryptocurrency perspective, given bitcoin might resolve to different things which can be favorable and in the other way round it might not favor. Therefore Teaching me how to fish is better than given me bitcoin.
You are very correct.I also prefer being taught how to fish than been given the fish.To a man,the best thing you can ever do to him is to show him how to make money,giving him money is also good,but showing him how to make the money is the best thing you can ever do to him.
In crypto,Bitcoin can metamorphose into something reasonable in future,the both ways can work perfectly well for someone that has a good knowledge about Crypto currency.He can decide to invest and get back the money given to him,but being taught how to make the money is the best.