Not sure I can, but how did you create that wallet?
wait! now that I think I have never created a portfolio with Electrum. I had created a payment request with Bitcoin core, when I realized that the program could not connect, and then I would not have received the money, I moved the address of the payment of Electrum, which is why I have never seen the seed
Alright, thats why its warning you. Electrum does not know the private key. You just gave it the address. That is not enough to spend the funds.
Do you still have bitcoin core installed? Which OS (Windows/Mac/Linux) do you use?
I've still bitcoin core, use macintosh.
But apparently it does not work, I am attaching a screen
It is still syncing, this can take a few days.
You can either wait for it to sync and send the coins to a new electrum wallet or move the private key.
To move the private key into electrum:
Open the development console, there should be a menu bar at the top of your screen. Its one of the menu points behind "Help"
Once you are there you need to unlock the wallet with your password and export the private key. Lets assume your password is
secret123 and your bitcoin address is
1somelongstringTo unlock it for 120 second you enter:
walletpassphrase secret123 120
and hit enter.
To let it show you the private key you enter:
dumpprivkey 1somelongstring
and hit enter.
It will show you something like
5yourveryveryveryverylongprivatekeystringDo not show that to anyone else.Now that you have the privat key, start Electrum and click
File -> New/Restore -> enter a wallet name -> OK -> select "Restore a wallet or import keys" -> put the private key in the box -> "next" -> set a password -> "ok" and let it sync. It should only take a few minutes.
Keep in mind that you should not use this wallet long term. You should create a new wallet with a seed and transfer the funds once you have secured them. The seed can be easily stored (e.g. on paper) and can always restore all private keys for the wallet in question.
The imported key is not covered by a seed.