what version of softwre miner are using if bfg
try to put
stratum+tcp://pool url.com:port_num/#xnsub (mind the slash '/' before #xnsub) all version of BFG beyond 4.7 support it
CGMIiner may or may not .
one version might not, one may
but with cgminer use it the same but no / is needed
stratum+tcp://poolurl:port_num#xnsub (no slash '/' before #xnsub)
if your version of CG doesn't support it, if CGMINER IS the software you have, it just won't work
that should help stop the discount if your not doing it all ready . You are anlt coin mining the way it sounds ? .
On my Jupiters I am running bfgminer version 3.8.1
On my S2 I am running CGminer version 3.12.0
S3 running an unknown version.
I am not mining altcoins just F2Pool.
try it any way it helps with any disconnect i remember one time i rented a miner the guy was having disconnect issue, i was only doing one coin with that miner, I asked him to try that it worked , his DC stopped but it may be a power issue you power is dirty so to speak or keeps dropping due to power company issues, check there site to see if they are having any kind of issue some times the power company's are and report it on there site . or get a new surge protector I'm sure you have one now with all that gear. make sure the PSU or PSU's are ok .
NM #xnsub won't just noticed your versions of bfg try to update it to 5.4.1 maybe then try ? . i really can't say what version of CGMINer other then start with cgminer4.8.0 on i think they put in support then but took it out at the latest CG MINER or it's there but you have to patch it in .
BFG has a nice walk thu in the ASIC read me on how to update the Jupiter or Neptune to the last version .