I would not really blame them for even standing against cryptocurrency, I guess they are against cryptocurrency because they feel it will give opportunity for more corruption based on what they have heard and forgetting the real benefit of it to their own system itself. They just have to take things easy and then see how cryptocurrency can help their economy.
Yeah I agree. Pretty tiring topic to talk about, but religion is just one tool in politics, and all politicians use it. Whether it's Islamophobia in the West and North America, or conservative Christian values, or in India and Myanmar where leaders run out of excuses to garner support.
But really? Very little for religion to shoulder in the case of crypto/bitcoin in India. The issues are far, far less simple than that, and it's a simple case of the powers that be not wanting to allow something they can't control.
They want to know their enemy first, and in this case, they are only now coming to grips with bitcoin/crypto/blockchain. It's a blur to them. And not just them really