The existing hfa-options that accept hash clock was expanded to accept per die voltage and per die clock adjustments.
Original syntax was "name:clock".
Expanded syntax is "name:clock:voltage_die0:voltage_die1:voltage_die2:voltage_die3:clock_offset_die0:clock_offset_die1:clock_offset_die2:clock_offset_die3" and it is backward compatible with original syntax.
Here are some exmaples of cgminer command line assuming board name "hab1":
- select hash clock of 950Mhz and voltage 970mV for all for dies 0, 2 and 3 and for die 1 use 900Mhz with 940mV:
cgminer --hfa-options "hab1:950:970:940:970:970:0:-50:0:0"
- select hash clock of 950Mhz and voltage 970mV for all 4 dies except last one that need 980mV (all dies use same 950Mhz clock):
cgminer --hfa-options "hab1:950:970:970:970:980"
- select hash clock of 950Mhz and voltage 970mV for all 4 dies using simplified command options (all dies use same 970mV voltage and same 950Mhz clock):
cgminer --hfa-options "hab1:950:970"
Full cgminer source code is available and commit adding the voltage selection functionality is
Look like the board need a reset after changing the voltage so you will see a board reset and a hotplug event on every cgminer startup if voltage is not default value (930mv).
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help with a proper way to setup voltage before device detection to avoid the dead device follow by the hotplug event.
Very nice ill test it out, we wernt 100% sure this could be done with the current firmware.
Have you tested the points on the board to see if your getting that voltage out of them with a multimeter?
So far I used the Pepper Mining App to check if voltage was same with hashfast python tool and with the updated cgminer.
I can measure the voltage with a multimeter if you give me hints about good test points on the board for each die voltage.
Where the chip is, on the edge of the board are a few test areas one for each die.. I forget the names off the top of my head.
btw you should push this change to con to see if he accepts it..
I'll check for the test points tonight when I get back home and let you know the measurements results.
I plan to push the change to con but I was thinking to clean it up a little before pushing it upstream. As it is right now it will brake any Sierra or any other Hashfast device with more than 4 dies ...
Not that I'm thinking of it ... the easiest fix would be to enable this code only when device have 4 dies