Do you actually need investments whenever you need to purchase something new or expand for your business? That's a sign of a failing business. After a loan and after running for a long time, you should have been able to afford enough for an expansion by now, since you seem to be capable of returning 20% of a loan anyway. Earn what you need and show you can provide for yourself.
From my mentor, he once told me, investments and money isn't everything. Don't ask for money until you haven't built or made any money yourself.
Just a little flag that he might just be a fraud.
Jm Erestain
Thank for reply Jm. I finance a minimun of 50% of all my order , but a lot of time i arrive to finace all order by myself. Then, when i've some liquidity i use this for buy some digital good (BitcoinTalk account from full member). Acutally i've only 1 loan running. I would to make a new order but before i'd to know user opinions about the product. Then, i'm apply here to finance a bit of order. Why? Simply:
1) I pay each order cash at delivery, do usually have a
discount on price about 5%2) Use Borrow money for a part of order, let me to have more liquidity availabe for my business, so i cuold leverage my investment
3) Actually i move my target to Steel Jewels: they are beautiful, cheaper and have a good mark-up. I've gold in stok too, but a lot of gold jewels in my stock was bought when gold was at 1800$, so i prefer to hold them and not sell fore ralize a loss ( i would remeber you that gold jewels are sold per weight, and not per items, so a Gold ring bought in 2012 @ 1800$ Ounce, now worth 1100$ once)
4) Usually my order value gone from 1000 to 3500 Euro: This means that an for 1000 eur order, i borrow no more than 500 euro, and i pay on this 500x20%= 100 eur as interest. But if you consider discount obtained for paying in cash at delivery (1000 euro*5%= 50 Euro), i've a net cost for financin my order of 50 Euro, that
mean i pay about 5% rate flat for 2 mount = about 30% yearly. Please consider that using Bank foud in italy costs abou 22% yearly or use credit card cost over 30% yearly!!!!!!!5) In this running loan we linked the amount to a FIAT, so i havent any risk if
BTC price goes up and lender hasn't risk if
BTC goes down.
6) Actually my only doubt is if use BTCtalck accoun as collateral (i coul use them for running any campaign signature too) , or buy altcoin (but i'm afraid of price fluctuation)
Now i was more clear? Then, remeber that user opinion are welcome and i'm very happy if you would reply to me.
Thank Again,