Percentage-wise, they're about the same. A year ago you could have said that a rise from $1 to $32 (as in spring 2011) seems way more easy than a rise from $13 to $266 (winter 2013) or a rise from $50 to $1100 (last autumn) but that's exactly what happened.
We're still all early adopters, even the Johnny-come-lately noobs who've only been on board since the price hit triple digits. Wait until adoption starts to go mainstream.
Its easier for BTC to go UP than down below saturation point...why?
the stronger it gets the stronger its gets. There is far more buying power on the table and so more attraction.
consider it to a long time to get to $1, now it does $1 change every minute / 10 seconds or less
same for $10 and $100.
Now BTC goes up and down $50 ~ $100 no worries in a day.
At 10K BTC will go up and down $500 easily in a day.
I only expect this to stop or become less as the 100K+ approaches simply because far less people / organizations will have money to pump it around at 100K, and all the weak hands will be well and truly flushed out.
At say 500K a coin, buying 100 will cost you $50 Million. Not so many people have a $50 Million ready to go or even transfer on to the market to do this. Normal capital controls in money Alpha (FIAT) does not allow it. To do a reasonable pump dump takes 1K coins, and that 1/2 a billion to throw around even less people have that.
Also its good to see the "tulipers" have finally shut up.
The next bunch of people to shut up will be the PONZI crowd, then that stupid graph you know the one, the econmoists, the central banks, the govs' and finally everyone will just use crypto's
Fiat will end up a curiosity within a generation or two. There will be youtube video's kids react to FIAT
"what is this, where the qr code?"
"do I hold it up to the screen?"
"are those numbers at the bottom private keys (serial number)"
"I can see it says in GOD we "GOD" a type of crypto...was there a GOD coin?"
"A bank? you mean I have to go into a building far away just to get MY money?"