Clinton will be the new President, unfortunately. The media have conspired to make Donald Trump the Republican nominee, knowing that he was the only one that Clinton could defeat.
Trump has essentially defeated everyone else except Hillary. If Hillary can defeat Trump, she essentially defeated everyone else as well.
Remember this thing was always supposed to be Jeb v. Hillary. Just like GW vs. Kerry (and pretty much every other election in recent memory), the establishment couldn't lose. If some outsider or undesirable (Carson, Paul, etc) would have gotten the Rep nod the mainstream media would have just turned up the heat until he/she was toasty brown and it would not have taken 1/10th of what they've hit Trump with. They have been pedal to the metal for months now and have already scored cylinders and thrown rods in the process and are effectively a 'junk core' as mechanics call it. They had no choice and were not a picture of health even before. Now their only hope is for Hillary to save their asses by criminalizing the alt media...same as the scientists who won't capitulate on the settled pseudo-science of global climate change.
What would have been really interesting would be if Sanders could have pulled it off. In that case the establishment could not win. The would have had to do some sort of false flag. That may well be their course of action for the Trump crisis yet.
The only comparable election within my memory was the Clinton/GHWBush/Perot. (Anyone here remember what the 'giant sucking sound' line was about?) Ross was made an offer he could not refuse. I'd bet money that Trump has been made the same offer several times by now but saw it coming and had something up his sleeve.
Edit: Since it is not readily findable and some/most people don't know, when one buys a remanufactured replacement engine one ususally submits a core which is the old worn out engine. The remanufacturer then performs various machine work on the core, installs new or similarly re-manufactured components and sells it to the next guy. Sometimes an engine block is so fucked up that it is not possible to used. An example would be having a hole in the side where a thrown connecting rod exited. This would be a 'junk core' and valuable only for scrap. Not even worth the shipping costs.
The mainstream media is into the 'junk core' stage of damage at this point as I read things. Not even possible to re-build. Yes, they still have some value in being able to influence some decent fractions of lower-end lemmings and have various intellectual property holdings and what-not, but probably don't have the potential to ever again have any meaningful credibility. Next we see them will be under a new name a-la: al qaeda ('the [[CIA's]data]base') --> ISIS/IS/ISIL/daesh/etc.