Die videos finde Ich voll lustig! lol
Na Ja, ganz wohl wie alle der anderen kleinen Pissern.
I almost forgot that all the conspiracy theorists, rampant racism/holocaust denial, scammers, and just straight up ignorance, is what drove me to take a several month break from the forums last year.
I've been here since 2011, I really hoped the community would have gotten better by now....but nope, its just as poisonous as ever.
In the 1920's, it would have been a fair assessment to say that there was a cabal of religious cult maniacs and racial supremists with great power at their disposal, who believed their leader was an incarnation of Woden, and whose destiny was to subvert the Judeo-Christain world order and change the course of history and the evolution of humanity, with a race of purified Aryan super-men sitting at the very pinnacle of their pagan Germanic order, with the 'lesser' races existing as a servile class, and the Untermensch wiped off the face of the planet altogether. Before this could be achieved, a great war would have to be waged as the course of history cannot be changed without the letting of blood.
If there was internet back then, and someone put forward such an argument, they would most likely be denounced as a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut.
In the 21st century, I would say that it is a fair assessment to say, that there is cabal of Judeo-masonic cult maniacs and racial supremists with great power at their disposal, who believe their coming 'leader' will be the incarnation of some fucking rather unpleasant Babylonian god, and whose destiny it is to subvert humanity under a Zionist double-entry book keeping ledger, with a select group of 'God's Chosen' sitting at the very helm of humanity. Before this can be achieved, a great war will have to be waged in order to bring humanity to a state of absolute breaking point, in order that their New World Order be welcomed and embraced by those goyim who are to be enslaved by it.
There is internet today, and someone putting forward such an argument will most likely be denounced as a tin-foil hat wearing anti-semitic conspiracy nut.....
.....but it just so happens that I don't give a fuck.
In these dark ages, the world is always going to be run and controlled by fkn psychopathic nutters. It just so happens that the nutters at the steering wheel of the dominant power in the world today are of a Ashkenazi Jewish flavour. Don't say it isn't true, cos it is. This also might explain why the Ashkenazi Jew trade of expertise, finance, has come to dominate the global economy and politics in a way that has generally been resisted for hundreds and even thousands of years.