
Topic: Holiday Crypto Fundraiser!! - page 2. (Read 3216 times)

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
October 15, 2013, 07:35:20 PM
At 0.12 BTC so far guys!!  let's raise it higher!!! Smiley
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
October 13, 2013, 07:26:17 PM
Thanks brother,

Even tiny amounts greatly appreciated. Sending you lots of good luck and good energy Smiley

Thank you
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
October 13, 2013, 07:20:26 PM
I may not donate alot at one time but I will send any change I have in my btc/ltc wallet any time I notice its not an even number. My OCD may actually add up. ^^
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
October 13, 2013, 07:07:45 PM
Hello everyone Smiley

Jdtmp4 aka The CryptoHobo here.  

Around this time of year, (christmas), there are a lot of needy families in my area. There is a very worth while cause in my area during holidays and that is the local Foodbank. The foodbank has been having issues keeping up with demand lately and I know they will appreciate absolutely anything as far as donations. This is a service my family had to use occasionally while I was younger, so I know just how much people appreciate the food around holiday times. I want to donate GOOD food to the foodbank as well, not just canned peas and beans. I want to get a couple hams or a turkey or two as well. We have such an amazing opportunity to spread crypto-love here. I will be taking ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the donations, 100% of everything will go to buying the food for the food bank. I will take pictures and post receipts online as well.

I have an account on  CryptoChristmas is my username there, and the account has had withdrawals and transfer-out's frozen. If anyone ever has a question as to the balance of the account, or the legitimacy of the account, feel free to contact BitJohn on Cryptsy for verification. He is lead Mod on the site, and he can verify for you that those functions have been frozen, and the balance of the account.

The Charity Drive's Cryptsy Transfer Number is - 4709b96d78b6a136b546e4cafaeddeeab0f57ad8

The Charity Drive's Bitcoin Address is - 13eqeb9Vjw7mtEzkybLb9cPApLe2bAbyUY

The Charity Drive's Litecoin Address is - LSsd3exmv9ySQNSjgE8iLgALdDW1LKJYxg

The Cryptohobo was looking for a way to give back to his community, and think of a way to bring crypto popularity.  I feel this is a perfect way to do both Smiley    Please feel free to ask any questions below and I will answer as quickly as possible Smiley

All faiths and religions use food banks, and just because it is a christmas drive, don;t think it is going to one group. It is going to the needy, regardless of what religion, skin color, or sexual orientation. Everyone deserves a warm meal for the holidays, and this is a chance for us to actually help someone and make some kids Christmas's a little nicer Smiley

I want this to wrap up about December 7th 2013, as that gives me time to transfer the btc to money and go buy the groceries in time to be donated for christmas. Thank you everyone for anything they can do to help out, Peace, God Bless and Happy Holidays!!
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