
Topic: HonklerHangout Twitchstream, !WIN! crypto every 20 minutes - page 2. (Read 1166 times)

sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello everybody,


I just realized I never really introduced myself here, so let’s go ahead and do that.


My name is Yoshi Livo, which I derived from YOLO, You Only Live Once. I made up an extra layer to that sentence, YCLO, Your Children Live On which I then turned into Yoshi Livo. I made my life motto out of it, You Only Live Once + Your Children Livo On = (Love + Happiness) ², or shorter YOLO + YCLO = [ Smiley + <3 ]².


I started to invest in Bitcoin because I would like to live a more free life, I never really was interested in the profits, but buying my first Bitcoin in 2012 at around 5$ did make me quite a healthy sum.


I thought of my name when I moved to Liberland, because I felt like my birth name wasn’t really in line with my life goals and with this name I remember myself every day what I would like my life to be all about, creating a better world for future generation.


My journey has been a real rollercoaster and I won’t bother you too much with the past, but to give you a broad idea, watch these 10 seconds of my life that changed so much:


In that 1 minute I could have gotten world famous and you probably would have heard from me today if I would have send my e-Gulden EFL holdings to Liberland. Today I praise myself for not taking that money. That moment was only granted to me because I served somebody else’s agenda, but the responcibility that would have come with that money would have been too big for me to handle. The universe never makes mistakes and I’m happy with the freedom I’ve obtained by not putting myself in such a big spotlight.


Today I live 20 miles out of Liberland in Serbia, because Liberland is not a place where one can live today. Since that moment of 2 years ago, my vision of the Liberland project and my own future changed tremendously. I’ve become much more conscious of my own being and realize today that it’s not up to me to determine how other people should live, something that up until the moment of the link above (april 2018) I did set as a goal. 


The Liberland project turned out to be a lot different then I first thought. The man who takes money from investors and spends it to his free will wants to create a prison where you can be free to his rule of law. He is using most of his investors money to join the traditional ruling class in fancy gatherings like the economic forum in Davos. He clearly enjoys being part of the elite and likes to be called president, although Liberland does not hold elections. He enjoys status and power and in the time I’ve been with him I came to the understanding that he is building more of the same, instead of building something new.


For me, every world citizen is a Liberlander. We are all one consciousness that fall time and time again for the divide and conquer tactics of the ruling class. Expressing my opinion has caused me to be deemed persona-non-grata in the Liberland project. I used to be in the top 5 for the work I’ve done for the project, but in Februari of this year the leader took away my points and tells people I’m not part of the group anymore, this happened 5 day’s after I uploaded this video This is the reason I started my HonklerHangout stream, because the ego of one man will ofcourse not silence me.


On thirth of March 2020 the first HonklerHangout stream started and at that time it was still called HodlerHangout, because of my collaboration with some developpers that promised me to create my voting system for Until the day of today I’m still waiting to get back the URL, but most likely it was all a scam to take as much from me as I was willing to give based on their promises. Within a week of me starting to stream the Corona lockdown swept the globe and this has caused a tremendous shift in my understanding of my being. I came in contact with the tipping service and when I found out about token and how they state that we are living in a cloans world, I decided to buy a clowns wig and rename my stream to HonklerHangout. Since then I stream about COVID-1984, the controlled demolition of our economy. Controlled demolition because I felt from the first moment that something didn’t add up. It was the way how the media was reporting about Corona, I had a 9/11 flashback, which I believe also was a controlled demolition.


As you can see back in this threat, I’ve been fairly active and interviewed a number of interesting characters I believe are on the right way to make this world a better place. Most of my money today is stuck in a cryptocoin called e-Gulden EFL, which I refer to as Bitcoin for the Netherlands. I’m in the understanding that the limitations of Bitcoin make it necessary for a multitude of blockchains. I don’t want to add a new financial product to the existing economy, I want to change the money we use completely. Having a Bitcoin is great, but what use will it be if we still determine the value on debt? I believe the kind of money we use has a huge impact on the decisions we make and if we can change our monetairy system from debt based to asset based I believe we are going in the right direction. Ofcourse, like stated before, the limitations of Bitcoin won’t allow us to make that step, the world economy is simply too complex for it. It doesn’t make sence to me to store the data of somebody in the world buying a loaf of bread on my pc and this is why I believe a Bitcoin for the Netherlands makes sence. People who live in the same geografical location and share a language can also share a blockchain. 


Today, most people in the world have a very limited understanding of what money is, mostly because it serves in the interest of a few to keep the people misinformed and devided. I might not have made the enormous impact that I could have made would I’ve taken that deal 2 years ago, but I created that opportunity myself and that’s why I believe I can create it again. I just need to believe in my own truth, the truth of Yoshi Livo. Regardless of what other people say or think about me, with the recent happenings regarding COVID-1984 or the Black Lives Matter iconoclasm I believe in myself more then ever. I really have been quite naive in thinking people would automatically understand my reasoning and it was quite a painfull lesson to find out I was wrong, but as time continues I believe more and more people will start to see my reality makes more sence then what they have heard about me from others. I just need to keep the story alive and believe in myself and that is what I will continue to do on my stream.


This sunday will be the next stream, because the Netherlands will protest against COVID-1984 legislation. I’ve announced that during this summer I won’t stream too often, but if something big like that happens I like to be part of it and give you my take on the event. I really believe the next couple of years we will see tremendous change in the world and that the war that so many governments have declared this year is not against a virus, but against the citizens of the world. This is why I would like to also enjoy my time a lot more then I;ve been doing in the last couple of years. It takes a lot of energy to keep up with all the stories that come out and they are often quite negative which means it costs a lot of energy to process them and stay positive and especially that last part is what I would like to become better at. I’ve been spending so much time on the internet that I hardly interact with people in real life and I guess if you are reading this that you can relate to that and understand how the anonimity of the internet makes interaction with others different and often much more negative.


I’m quite a negative character myself, but what COVID-1984 made clear to me is that the most important resistance you can have against the narrative that media tries to put us in is your own mindset. Since a week I’m sporting again, I found a local boxing teacher that is willing to be payed with e-Gulden EFL. I didn’t write that here yet, but I live without a bankaccount since 2014 and I make it into a sport to try and pay with crypto as much as I can. A lot of my time goes into educating people about crypto in order for me to get a new way of spending my coins.


So, I guess that’s it. A slightly longer invitation to the next stream then usual, but if we want to break free from the current power structure I believe we need to speak out our opinions and not let us be silenced by fear, so I like to lead by example by writing this tekst. I hope we can come together and focus more on our similarities instead of our differences and although many people like to portray me as a loser for not delivering on promises from the past, this story is still just getting started and if I turn out to be right there is still a huge gain to be made for the once that believe in what I say and are willing to follow that story.


Hope to see you this sunday @ 14:00 CET or 8 AM ET when goes live again with neDDRlands special about the Stop the Lockdown protest. I will be restreaming the official stream of the organization that day. And if you can’t make it that day, make sure to tune in on the 25th of June when I will stream at 11:00 CET of 5 AM ET with a courtcase in neDDRlands that tries to prevent the implementation of new legislation regarding COVID-1984.


Thanks for your interest in this clown, that simply tries to enjoy himself without fear in the clownsworld we live in!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Highlight Kill Gates special: POWER HOUR with cryptobro4:
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Highlights from the marathoon stream (june first):

Toine Manders part 6:

Martijn Houttuin AKA T-Jin:

Team Renewable.Cash Nath Swerve & cryptobro4:

Daniel Dabek SAFEX:

Robert-Reinder Nederhoed

Soupernerd part 1:
Soupernerd part 2:
Soupernerd part 3:
Soupernerd part 4:

Shenkie EFL:
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
6 weeks of silence, well, that makes it about time to write some more, because a lot has happened since then. You are probably wondering why my silence lasted this long, but I ended the last story with the announcement that everything could still go terribly wrong, and that is exactly what happened.


I will warn you in advance, this story is full of assumptions i can not prove, but now that the news is out that even Greta Thunberg is a Corona expert I believe it’s time to write about some of my concerns.


Now, let’s start the story I would really like to tell you about. Today it’s quite easy to recognise  how people think about the “terrorist attacks” of 9/11, their mouth protection gives away their point of view.


Alright, that first sentence will most likely set the right tone, because we are going to shine quite a different light on the Corona craze then the usual point of view of the mass media. First of all there is ofcourse the dubious timing in which this crisis occurs. Eventhough most scientists agree that this new virus can’t possibly be created by men, this doesn’t take away the fact that an endless amount of new mutations can be fabricated in a lab. This means that we have not created every property of this virus under a microscope, but it’s definately possible to create an endless amount of mutations from dozens of different hosts until nature creates a variant which is more deadly then any other variation before. And well, how deadly that deadly is exactly really doesn’t matter all that much, it’s mostly about it being new and unknown, so that the usual brainwash channels can surpise us all with a scary story. And scary these stories most certainly where, or better yet, still are. The second wave is coming people!


Your average influenza wave creates more deaths on average, but let’s forget about that, just like most contaminations occur when you are in a closed space which makes you breathe in the virus over a longer period of time. Even when the odds to die from Corona as a healthy 33 year old are less then when you participate in trafic, that doesn’t mean the measures are mild in any way, but why do we take these draconian measures?


Now that we have already named Greta Thunberg, it’s a lot easier to make the environment connection. In the Netherlands where I’m born we already experience a semi-lockdown last year, not because of a virus, but because policy makers wanted to honour the Paris climate treaty. Somewhere half of October of last year the maximum amount of nitrogen emission was reached and this resulted in a lowering of the speedlimit and a notification to farmers that their livestock should be reduced by 50%, because all that domestic meatproduction, which the Netherlands mostly exports, caused that policies had to be changed.


Since that time I’ve announced the return of the semi-lockdown in the Netherlands on an annual basis. Every year in October thhe country would reach it’s maximum emission and then policy makers would start to change the rules to commit to the Paris-treaty until the first of Januari ofcourse, when all counters are reset to 0 and the limiting measures can be suspended until the end of the year around October when we would hit the self-imposed maimum would be reached again. Isn’t that convenient, such a Corona outbreak? Now we don’t need to blame nitrogen emission, but instead can use a virus as our scapegoat to emit a bit less of those harmful sucstances. This way the policy makers don’t even need to tell the sheeple that their lifestyle is completely insustainable, great!


Then a second reason why Corona comes in such a great time, the economy. Monetairy innovations like Bitcoin and yes, even e-Gulden EFL with it’s limited userbase show for years how the euro project has completely failed us. Howmany billion that are needed each month to keep the story going is anybodies guess, but since the outbreak of COVID-1984 crisis the amount of “money” that we have made up is almost equal to the first 2020 years of our civilization. Even the capital injections made after the crisis of 2008 fall in pale comparison with the violent debt creation of the past couple of months. In the USA the support packages are now happening with 1000’s of billion per go and nobody seems to question any of it, because everybody ofcourse understand this darn Corona leaves us no other choice, right? Next to all the “usual” monetairy expansion we also expect governments to grab their pouch to save a variety of “essential” businesses. God forbid that the Dutch airline company can’t pay the lease of it’s aircrafts, that would mean all those oil derivatives would have been entered into in vain. We can borrow at a rate of 0%, so what does it matter that nobody is going on a careless vacation in the future anyway?


Then a thirth argument, that of social control. How convenient is Corona to the ones that want to harm our privacy? Let’s prepare the masses for the microchip with a voluntary app for your phone. With the right amount of fear I’m sure they could make a vacination-passport mandatory, that means it’s going to be your own choice if you’re going to be stuck within the borders of your country, what does it matter that none of these new vaccins are going to be tested? Just show your solidarity and take a shot, or do you maybe want kill your neighbour?


The next couple of arguments might be a bit less clear, but Netanyahu will probably be very pleased that his courtcase is suspended and he can stay in power. Macron will most likely also not shed a tear that the yellow vest movement can’t come together anymore and it sure must give a great feeling to make the re-election of Trump a whole lot more unlikely. Also the Dutch prime minister isn’t doing all to bad with the virus breakout, the fear has shot up his popularity tremendously and who is talking these day’s about the political trial of journalist Julian Assange? The Liberland dictator also manages to conveniently put this virus to his advantage. He has launched a COVID-aid fund and most likely already managed to steal a couple of thousands from unknowing suspects. De fake promises of Vit Jedlicka continue to stack-up, fairly recent he promised to supply a local hospital with mouth protection.  From Serbian side everything was put into motion to make sure the delivery was received with the highest priority, but as we are used from our lying dictator he again failed to deliver on his promis. It also gave the perfect excuse to not have to show up for his yearly trip to the promised land. Maybe it’s for the better because his popularity amongst locals has reduced to a level well below 0, this is apparently how the donators of Liberland would like to see their dictator treat it’s neighbours, he is still receiving their money and get’s promoted on their channels because nobody ever checks up on what he is doing anyway and let’s be honoust, the Liberland aid fund sure sounds good and makes a nice story of social concern.


The political elite of today is a paragon of treason for years now. Due to corruption they invariably act against the interest of their people and sell the future of the area over which they rule to the highest bidder. The fact that ever more people are becoming aware of this treason through independend media is a good reason to reward the compliant majority for once. In the near future companies and employees will be rewarded for their docility. Just follow the rules of your surpressing elite and you will be rewarded. I can already see the McDonaldses of this world prepare their financial and legal department, just close the restaurants and only serve take-away and claim the lost income with the government. You can fire half of the staff and still receive the same amount of money, that must be a great feeling.


So, whether that virus is from a lab, or really was generated by an unfortunate turn of events, with a couple of out of numbers that are taken out of proportion it gives a perfect excuse to continue the molestation of children with your pedofriends for a couple months longer. For the ones that think this last comment is a bit out of line, pedophilia is what keeps the system together for years. In case your are wealthy and famous it’s being used to shut you down and if you are part of the sheeple you are indoctrinated to believe it’s all very unnatural and immoral. Howmany celebreties would have visited Epsteins island (or one of the many others) and have received some photo’s a couple of day’s later with the message that their reputation could be destroyed with one media message? 


Let me give one more perfect example for the Corona-craze, with the sidenote that many more excuses can be found. What about the billions that the boomer generation has been saving during most of their lives? Never in the history of humankind  have we saved up this amount of wealth and this is the moment in time in which the majority of those pensionplans are going to have to be payed out, what a perfect moment for a global currency reset. Ofcourse everybody is going to receive exactly what they saved up, it’s just a bit unfortunate for them that a Bitcoin, e-Gulden EFL, bar of gold, cup of coffee of cheese sandwich will cost a multitude in comparison to the moment that they started saving.


I praise all the fellow thinkers that resist the narrative and try to bring an alternative reality. I personally mention for many years that we don’t have to choose between Putin or Trump, left or right, there is a thirth option. With the technological evolution of the past couple of decades it’s possible to organise ourselves better. More transparent, no more backroom deals; More direct, no dictatorship of the majority; More responcible, not just four years until your term ends and then leave somebody else responcible for the mess you created. I believe this thirth option, besides left or right, can be achieved fairly easy and without violence, are you ready? Here comes the solution!


Stop voting! Stop paying taxes!



Let’s start with the second one, this call-up might not be legal, but I’ll take my chances. Please be aware that the current COVID-1984 narrative is brought to you by the same group of people that not too long ago reluctantly had to admit they weaponized and funded ISIS to take down Assad. Corona comes from the same group that told us about weapons of mass destructions being present in Iraq and the 9/11 fairytale about a bearded man in a cave being responcible for it all. If you are finally ready to accept an alternative reality you understand that funding terrorism happens when you pay your taxes, not when you start to trust cryptocoins like e-Gulden EFL.


Then the first point, stop voting. In today’s time voting is still the way how we legitimize the current state of affairs. I often have to hear from people that if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain, but I believe it’s actually quite the opposite. When you vote, you agree somebody else will represent your voice and that means for the next 4 year you have no basis to complain, after all, you have given your voice away to the candidate of your choice. Especially when you don’t vote you have every reason to complain, apparently nobody on the list of candidates fits your preference and speaks your opinion. Talking about another future is something we do on the internet for quite some time now, but how can we prove to the majority that the time to really do things different has arrived? I believe it’s by putting the non voting option on wholesale. How strong will the message become if the turnout percentage of election will drop below 33%, if 67% would simply not vote anymore and voice their discontent in that way? Voting is the anchor of our society, it’s the way how we reach concensus for many decades and I think it makes sence if we use that option to voice our need for change and if 67% doesn’t sound like enough to you, what if nobody would turn up at elections at all, how legitimate would our parliament then become?


A turnout percentage of 0% is ofcourse an utopia, because there are simply too many people that have a certain interest in the existance of the current system. First of all the politicians themselves ofcourse, they have fought to get on the voting list, so you can be sure they are going to check mark their own name. The key to success in this theory will be police- and armyforce. Under policeforce I also account the financial police in the form of tax advisors and accountants. This group of people acts from the moral conviction that they participate to what is good. According to these people, the law needs to be enforced, which in theory is a very noble goal, but from which level becomes following the law immoral? Is that level reached when you have to evict a family from their home because the bank foreclosed on their morgage, leaving them with a substantial debt, or might it be reached when you fine a young couple in spring because they hold hands, or is it maybe reached when the law tells you that you have to deport a certain etnic group? Only if the group that represents the force of law gets to the understanding that their law has become highly immoral will we be able to reach a solution without violence.


If we cannot get the support of the group that carries out the monopoly on violence I believe we will go into a future with a lot of bloodshet, while the real instigators of the violence stay out of range. It will be a hell of a job to get it done and it’s a job I would love to take on me, the only thing I need is a group of people that hold a couple of e-Gulden EFL and support me in that way. In case this initiative will become more popular these people will be proportionally rewarded for their trust, but if you are not willing to take these steps I’m sure you have thought of a much better alternative that hasn’t come to my mind and I wish you all the success to realize your goals, feel free to ask me for help. Whatever has your preference, we can be sure that there will be turbulent times ahead, because today the majority of sheeple still lives in fear for a virus with a lower risk of dying then when you participate in the daily traffic. In a couple of months the economic consequences of our actions will become clear and that is when the real party is going to start. I predict thiis will happen around October which gives us approximitely 5 months to prepare. 


In case you have question concerning this tekst, or you feel the need to respond, I stream almost daily on my channel and you are welcome to join me there.


Since the publication of this tekst in Dutch, another 2 weeks went by. 2 weeks where again, a lot has happened also to me. Last friday I’ve received my new visa and this time I believe 
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
To celebrate the listing of EFL on a first raffle has started for 1000 EFL, live now on stream:
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282

Here is tomorrow's line up:

12:00      Yoshi's Vision
12:30      Toine Manders
14:00      Martijn Houttuin
15:00      Yoshi's Vision
18:00      Yellow Mountain
19:00      SAFEX
21:00      EFL
22:00      Freedom Radio
23:00      Uganda Libertarian
00:00      Yoshi's Vision
01:00      TheWorldsAMine
02:00      HONKHONK SBS

Every hour, a freeroll tournament will start on, the password for the tournaments will be announced in the stream. All passwords form a text that is part of a riddle. The one who solves the riddle receives 50M HONKHONK and 0.1 BCH. More information to solve the riddle can be found during the Yoshi's vision time.

A goal has been made to reach 1000 followers, at which point a super rafflewheel will be used for a special raffle.

During the stream the community of HonklerHangout can send tips with use of the service. To try and break the system there have been set 3 goals for the Marathon edition.

First goal is set at $1000,- Money will be used to buy a powerful desktop computer that can be used for the purpose of video editing and stream, to improve the overall stream experience and create promo video's.

Second goal is set at $4000,- This means $3000,- more then the first goal, this money will be used for project development of the Liberland Opportunity Zone. First works has started in september, but to present a proper investment plan, we need to have all legislative requirments behind us. These $3000,- are needed for the finalisation of the masterplan so we can make a proper budget calculation for the full project. COVID-1984 has been in favour of our project.

Third goal is set at $7777,- This means $3777 more then the second goal, this money will be used only for my pleasure alone, because why not? It is a clowns world and if I can make it to $4000,- in one stream, I can double it aswel. As a token of appreciation I will shave my hair live on stream, including beard and mustache.

I have some corona and local brandy called rakija that I will drink when people tip me with use of the tipbot.

Good night for now, can't wait to start tomorrow!!

EDIT: the line up is not final!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Tomorrow I will make a marathon episode! Many extra give-away's and a lot of interviews!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hey all,  here are some statistics from period of May 2020

A total of 23 streams where created for a total of 80 hours of content. The stream has been seen by 1590 unique visitors for a duration of 31.883 hours and has resulted in 39 new followers. In 162 raffles 25 unique individuals won the following prizes:


13 unique participants won in 39 raffles a total of 3,675 Million HONK

3 unique participants won in 5 raffles a total of 65 SBS

12 unique participant won in 20 raffles a total of 14500 SPICE

10 unique participants won in 17 raffles a total of 14000 RNEW

7 unique participants won in 11 raffles a total of 38 LLM 

11 Unique participants won in 24 raffles a total of 217 EFL

14 Unique participants won in 19 raffles a total of 0,026 BCH

16 Unique participants won in 27 raffles a total of 2,1 M World token

feel free to stop by and try to pick up some of the crypto's!

Do you have a cryptoproject that you want to see on the HonklerHangout rafflewheel, let me know!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Friday's tournaments:


Also today: Semyon Germanivich, CEO of @20:00 CET and Adam Kokesh @21:30 CET

make sure to tune in to not miss a thing!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello bitcointalk,

we are live once again! Today is the thirth day of the HHCOBP! the first freeroll of the day start in about 30 minutes, make sure to join the fun, you are all welcome!

Last 2 days over 100 people already played for a leaderboard score!

Hope to see you one of these day's
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello everybody today starts the HonklerHangout Championship of Blockchain Poker HHCOBP#1

join me in the stream to see the action live!

sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Didi Taihuttu in the stream today, in case you missed it, watch back the highlight video here:
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
HonklerHangout Championchip of Blockhain.Poker announced!!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello all, introducing the:

HonklerHangout Championship of Blockchain Poker (HHCOBP)

Next week we will host a variety of different poker tournaments on there will be a total of 6 tournaments per class and a total of 4 different classes.

Class 1 (Freeroll) Each tournament will have a buyin of 0 BCH and a guaranteed pricepool of 0,01 BCH
Class 2 (Micro)
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hey all,  here are some statistics from period 13 until 30 april

A total of 15 streams where created for a total of 56 hours of content. The stream has been seen by 1008 unique visitors for a duration of 19.322 hours and has resulted in 32 new followers. In 153 raffles 32 unique individuals won the following prizes:


20 unique participants won in 38 raffles a total of 3,59 Million HONK

9 unique participants won in 10 raffles a total of 120 SBS

7 unique participant won in 8 raffles a total of 7000 SPICE

8 unique participants won in 11 raffles a total of 13600 RNEW

9 unique participants won in 17 raffles a total of 141 LLM 

10 Unique participants won in 15 raffles a total of 205 EFL

6 Unique participants won in 7 raffles a total of 0,0073 BCH

15 Unique participants won in 40 raffles a total of 21,46 M World token

6 Unique participants won in 7 raffles a total of 300 DROP

feel free to stop by and try to pick up some of the crypto's!

Do you have a cryptoproject that you want to see on the HonklerHangout rafflewheel, let me know!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello Bitcointalk,

Today we host a tournament on It's happening in 2.5 hours from now, you can find the tournament by clicking this link:

hope to play with all of you later today,

ofcourse the stream is also happening as always on this addrees:

Come say hi and try to win some crypto!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282 today the stream is hosting a poker freeroll tournament. The password for the tournament will be revealed in 70 mins on the stream, the tournament will start in 90 minutes from now.

Come and say hi and win some of that juicy crypto:
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello Bitcointalk,

after a day off, I'm back at it!

This week we will have several guests,

first of all, Semyon Germanovich cancelled his appearance last sunday, that's why we will greet him on friday instead.

On Saturday, Toine Manders will visit the stream

Next week I'm expecting Adam Kokesh.

Today we will play a bit of because I managed to win last time and now we got a bankroll!

Hope to see you around, try to pick up some of the crypto's I raffle away, every 20 minutes!
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 282
Hello Bitcointalk,

 another great day yesterday, Toine Manders answerred all questions of the HonklerHangout community, see a highlight video here:

Today, in about 1 hour from now, Semyon Germanovich, CEO of, will join us for a AMA session. Do you have amy questions for Semyon, ask them here and I will ask them for you so you can watch back the highlight video, or visit the stream so you can ask your question yourself:
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