However, I am genuinely interested how do you distribute funds between two unrelated blockchains without having access to the key material found in wallet.dat of the person who "owns" the coins in the "old" chain.
I would like to have a succinct and technically accurate description of this process posted, since it seems quite ingenious a development.
You are developing a blockchain and can't answer that questions? ^^
Hehe you make a good point spacy.
Each address in the old SC blockchain has a balance which varies over the chain length. The balance at block 35250 for each address will be what we give people back in the new chain. All the history is in the blockchain that we and everyone else has.
The reason for starting with a fresh genesis block is it clears the chain of the transaction spam from artforz and co, whilst also making the code easier to update in the future as we have a new protocol. The method used to give funds back to the thousands of users is still being discussed, but I am sure if there is any "stuff up" then people will have a right to be be annoyed.
It's kinda hard to con thousands of people Eskimo, even though I'm sure you would be so secretly delighted if I was such a scammer, "I told you so guys , total scammer this guy!!!!". You are a ghoul and I hope if you do have any SolidCoins you sell them immediately when v2.0 is released.
Being vague doesn't work either.
How many transactions are there that "artforz and co" created out of the 35,250.
And what are the block numbers they are in and what are the transaction numbers?
Since there will be a specific detail about these transactions, it will be simple for you to answer this question ... if you are any good at writing SIMPLE software (could do it in PHP pretty easily so no reason to even have to write real code)
The spam that caused SC to fail temporarily was small ... and since that is your excuse, then you should ALREADY have the details of your excuse ...