I don't personally think a gold standard would benefit many members of society. I believe BTC could, but not with its current monopoly. According to many members of this board BTC should not be an investment, therefore I don't want to compare it to an investment. I want to compare it to currency.
Ok, I see that you are not really here to discuss the benefits of Bitcoin so I will leave you to your fiat. But if you look at any monopoly, their only existence is due to government force. I believe the solution you seek is guns and violence. Those are the only ways to bring "fair" distribution (and by fair, I mean fair as defined by the people with the guns).
Bitcoin is not a monopoly owned by a single entity. You could buy a bitcoin right now and no one person would own 100% of it.
I re-post my initial reaction to your OP with the appropriate image:
In my opinion - and I don't mean any offense - but its exactly this kind of attitude from BTC adopters that is actually going to stop BTC becoming mainstream. The points I made are extremely valid, that is if the world was to adopt BTC tomorrow, how could BTC help the little man with such distribution? You would surely end up with a few people with all the power and the rest without?
BTC adapters often point to BTC benefits for society and how it can help us rid the world of the evil fiat system. All I have done is turned this argument back on its head and said so how could this current system of BTC change the problems associated with the existing system. This is a question that has to be addressed and competently by adopters of this community if we actually want BTC to lead to real change. Its fine if you don't answer or don't want to answer or don't feel its any one duties to answer and innovators should sort all the nitty gritty stuff out, but that's not going to cut it with 97% of the population out there.
So fine, if you want to just ignore obvious questions that people would have about the implementation of BTC so be it, its no hair of my back. But I really wouldn't go around betting that BTC is going to take on the world if your not prepared to take on the responsibility of BTC taking on the world.
~ Rant Over