It doesn't make sense for someone with that amount of money to ask such a question but... you have two solutions here, either find an exchange with enough liquidity (can't say which as you didn't mention the country you are from) or go with
OTC trading where you're guaranteed to have both enough liquidity and also no effect on the price.
I already checked alot of those site in the past , itbit did not accept my aplication , i dont know why .
Coinbase not working in my country , i m from DR,
Kraken has a limit and hitbtc is a bad exchange, they took 9 bitcoin from me last year.
I will check circle . Thank you
What is the best non usa site to withdraw fiat up to 40.000.00 usd per day? Thanks
Just to be sure, do you want to withdrawal 40.000,00 or 40.000.000? Because 40.000.00 isn't a currency number. Is it 40 thousand or 40 million?
If you want to withdrawal 40.000,00 it is relatively easy. Just send 10-20k (1-2 btc) to good exchanges like Bitstamp, Binance, Kraken, Coinbase and withdarawl it.
In binance you can withdrawal 20k(2btc) per day wihtout any KYC.
I want to withdraw fiat . Its 40 thousand
What is the best non usa site to withdraw fiat up to 40.000.00 usd per day? Thanks
Its strange that you ask a specific amount and that too per day. I mean the profits you would be doing to be able to withdraw such amounts everyday is huge. But then you account will get under investigation and you may have to undergo KYC procedures. You have to look at those exchanges that allow your local currency and see if they can follow up such withdraws.
Very likely that you would have to go for KYC to be able to continue in a few months time. But then again I doubt you will be doing this "everyday"
I have no problem to go for KYC . I m T3 on LBC and my account is verified on Bitstamp too . The last time i widraw from bitstamp took me 14 days.