Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
It is a difficult problem to solve when you have 1.6 billion people following this ideology.
Ideology is the root cause of this problem, so you have to start there.
Expose this nonsense. Sharia Law my ass. This is a 21st century.
1.6 Billion people aren't following this ideology - if that was true then everyone would be dead from terrorist attacks.
What we need to do is understand why a small minority of people feel so angry and under-represented by society that they feel that terrorism is their best option.
We need to fight the underlying cause, not the symptom.
The small minority is doing it, but the large minority is silently supporting it.I think part of the problem is cultural. Muslim countries have this "penis envy" when it comes to Western countries. They do not understand why their societies are not progressing
as well as democracies elsewhere, despite (in their view) the best religion a man can have, the best legal system (Sharia Law) etc. they blame everyone but themselves.
Part of the problem is the US foreign policy, the establishment of the Israel in Palestine, but that is not the root cause. It is an excuse to act.
The root cause IMHO is a lack of education and not acceptance of modern progressive values. These values are incompatible with a 6th-century thinking.
So there is your conflict. Rigid 6th-century, 'written by God' ideology and the modern world.
We have three (3) Science Nobel Prize winners from Muslim countries (Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey). That should tell you something.
Bolded by me. Possible, but I live in an area with a majority muslim population, and I've seen demonstrations by muslims condemning these sort of attacks, and spoken to muslims who totally disagree with them. Don't forget that from a media point of view, a story about a suicide bombing will have many more clicks than a story about muslims condemning suicide attacks, simply because it's a more interesting story to the general population and aligns with their preconceptions about muslims.
I agree with you on your point about US foreign policy, and western intervention - I think that it is making things worse. There is even a strong case to suggest a lot of this instability came about at the end of WW1, where arbitrary border lines were drawn by the West defining Middle Eastern countries as we know them today.
Another point worth mentioning is that what we are seeing is not "6th-century thinking". In fact, during the Middle Ages the Islamic world was at the forefront of science, critical thinking and the advance of knowledge and the scientific method. Even many of the scientific words we use today are derived from Arabic and the Islamic world - eg. Algebra, Alcohol, Algorithm, Alkali, Azimuth. And that's just the ones beginning with 'A' - These guys were doing mad science while most of the world was killing each other and rolling in their own shit.
The whole "Islamic Terrorism", especially suicide bombing, is an extremely recent phenomenon - It started in the mid 20th Century and was probably a result of events like the conflict in Afghanistan between the Soviets and the Mujahadeen, Al-Assad being armed in Syria (not the current one, his father), and the Islamic uprising in Iran and Syria. The US was heavily involved in these power struggles.
We only see this extremist ideology appearing after these balances of power occurred.
Don't think that I'm sympathising with the terrorist scum for a moment, I think that what they're doing is deplorable and has no place in modern society. I'm also not a fan of religion, whether it's Christian, Islam, Judaism or whatever. I just think people need to understand how much of a modern phenomenon this Islamic terrorism is, and that it's probably a result of Western intervention after winning the world wars.