Do not legitimize scammers, hackers and criminals
It is always easy to let scammers escape from it, if we are not affected. But once we are affected, it is really a big issue. And Crypto is suffering from a lot from criminal activites, no matter if on Telegram, on lots of malicious download sites, from fraud altcoins, from malware link, from exchange hack or even here on Bitcointalk.
Unfortunately, hacks or criminal activity is downplayed often. It should not be downplayed because it’s massively harmful. No one needs scammers, hackers and criminals.
We need to call out malicious people and criminal activities, not downplay it. We need to combat it, too.
For the short time I have been in this forum, criminal activities are not downplayed or overlooked. scammer or hackers can easily receive negative trust for any criminal activity. Nobody should justify any scam activity and we all have the responsibility to expose their activities and even report them to the relevant authorities. If you justify a hack or scam, one day you or someone close to you might become a victim.
Create awareness against scammers, hackers and criminals
We need to create awareness against scammers because everyone needs to know it is a big danger.
We need to mention it often and try to find solutions against scammers, hackers and criminals.
If scammers, hackers and criminals are not succesful, doing business will get more difficult for such shady people.
We need to be woke about it because a scammer, a criminal and a hacker can be everywhere. Crypto is heavily targeted by scammers because it’s directly rewarding any hack or criminla activity, where Crypto Currencies are obtained.
Scammers are always seeking different ways to exploit the weaknesses of any system. This is why we should always upgrade our security knowledge. There are many materials on how to handle our wallets and protect them from these criminals both within and outside the forum. Members always raise the alarm if they suspect or are aware of any latest scam or phishing activity. We have to take full responsibility for our security because it depends more on us than others.