I have the feeling that a lot of money has flown into Alts over the past two months, over 50 Alts now have a market cap of over 500k $. What makes this significant is that Bitcoin has not changed much in price over the same time frame. I actually made some good profits over the last 2 months in trading and some coins really soar in value.
I don't see why many forum members are so pessimistic and even despaired at the moment, when the overall signs are not that bad after all.
Doge, Monero, Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin etc. dropped a lot. Is there any upward movement to be really optimistic? Which coins made you have profit last month, I'm just curious about it?
Well, I think the middle 4 deserve it to some extent, they have not produced anything much of value lately and have their value at the moment for the sake of a network of miners and traders. Doge went down in the typical pattern of "Bitcoin goes up Doge goes down". Feathercoin had too much hype going on over their new algo, as soon as interest on it went down, its price followed suit. It's actually really cool to watch the last three typical altcoins, Doge, Lite and Peercoin, slowly getting shuffled out of the game, while more advanced protocols substitute their place. Take MaidSafe and Ripple for example, two protocols that really delivered a great piece of technology and partially got over the usual FUD in this forum.
There were some good pumps over the last month as well, whoever was attentive could easily grab hold of them. You wanted some examples, so here you are: Counterparty soaring after its fork of PyEthereum. Fuelcoin going absolutely crazy after the hype incurred on this fourm after October 31st, typical pumps by the likes of Profitcoin, easily spotted by the first gradual rise of volume and price in tandem and Storjcoin performing quite fine as well since its first demo of what they are developing.