Lets say BTC has been out for 8 years at 72 gigs.
Then lets say Monero has 2 years at 8 gigs.
Lets multiply Monero.. Same time period would then be 32 gigs roughly.
So what is the difference ? ADOPTION
Monero has none and Bitcoin has LOTS.
So imagine the user base as equal..
And that is the underlying point here people are playing games about.
If the Monero guys hope to achieve BTC levels of adoption and far greater then ?
THAT is when there is an issue.
It's about creating something with known problems from the start as mentioned in the quote here earlier.
I think it's moot point though because Monero is not going anywhere.
It peaked and is destined to toil and wallow in obscurity forever.
This is what im talking about, when you consider the idea of Monero going as high as Bitcoin's current adoption (and we are all still pioneers in bitcoin if you consider it to mainstream tier usage) then Monero collapses. It cannot avoid node centralization. Bitcoin has already solved this by going the offchain route with LN, but Monero is yet to tell us what they are going to do, and thats why I cant consider a serious long term investment for XMR.