IntroductionI remember being introduced back in Jan 2011 during a dinner party among friends. One friend was so excited about it, wanted to be a miner. He only thought of it as a get rich scheme. I looked it up on Wiki, and decided to pass along with the rest of the dinner party. My computer didn't have the minimum specs and this Bitcoin thing wasn't enough motivation for me to get something more powerful. The friend that wanted to mine was the only one among us that had specs to meet the minimum graphics requirements.
Loosely followed along, saw the news late Spring 2011 and the bubble peak to $30 USD then crash down to the single digits. Bitcoin was still largely ignored by mainstream media. Asked my friend about it, and he said he never ended up mining.
In 2013, during the Cyprus bail-in Bitcoin finally made waves in the mainstream media. I still thought it was still just magic internet money riding on pure speculation. Of course, Bitcoin crashed again but still maintained lofty heights over 2011 prices. Late 2013 it blew up to $1,200 USD and continued to make headlines. As expected it crashed but maintained lofty heights over the Cyprus bubble. I continued to ignore it, as I thought the train had already left the station.
The EpiphanyOn some random forum, saw references to the Zeitgeist Movement and it was told that their videos on YouTube would blow your mind. Just like the Matrix, when Neo took the red pill I had an awakening.
When Mt Gox fell in late January people on that same random forum were all laughing at Bitcoin calling it a Ponzi scheme. Because the thread originator was Law Enforcement whom I've met in real life (and can be an ass), I defended Bitcoin just to be a thorn in his side (me being a rebel). In order to debate my position, I started doing research and began to realize that Bitcoin is fundamentally sound. It also appears to be a solution for issues outlined in the Zeitgeist movement, and by that reasoning still way under-valued. Around March, I finally bought my first Bitcoin from a seller on eBay (of all places) and began using it as currency. I also made a vow to purchase and set aside at least $100 worth every week.
The friend that originally introduced me to Bitcoin, I've expressed his need to accumulate. Even just one. He brushes it off with no interest. My reasons are fundamental, but his interests are just speculative and from that point of view he thinks the ship has already sailed.
Current goal is to own at least 4 bitcoins by June 2014. Right now, I'm just shy of 1.