Many are not that much but it's better than to be gullible of those high APYs but too good to be true. Read their terms and be guided.
i might consider such option but if not then i would simply skip.If you do have money to spare then it isnt really bad to take or touch up staking but of course you should mind off about the certain risk.
Not all projects do end up on good fate but rather declining and even dying when the time comes thats why you should be careful on choosing which one.
Yes, flexible savings is what we want so that we can pull out our money so quick and that's why you have to choose a platform like mycointainer that don't require assets to be locked as you stake.
had invested.Its true that those percentages are really on point on what banks do give out and since we do have platforms offering staking which give as much as 30%+ then this is where people do become
too much interested on it thats why they do make out some consideration on touching up this area but of course we should be mindful about the risk lies ahead which is more than
on what we do saw into those banks that we've been get used to.