After all, such high payouts to stakers must be accompanied by constant replenishment of these projects reserve funds. But what will happen if the money stops flowing in the right amount?
After the pump of Waves to over 50$ a few weeks ago i sold my waves (i did only have a few sadly) and now i have some USDN sitting in my waves wallet that are doing nothing. My first plan was to trade those USDN into USDC or USDT and then put those into the algorithmic trading pools of the waves wallet, but i could not do that because Waves was crashing very hard after that pump and even took USDN with it to a price of around 0,70 USD which was pretty crazy as USDN should be a stable coin after all. This pretty much has made me lose some trust into the whole waves platform and i am not so sure anymore if i should really invest my stablecoins there.