It is for this reason that casino games and sports betting are for adults and adults, because they can make mature decisions, control themselves when necessary and not get into problems when it is not necessary, apart from that, when a person decides to take a step out into the street it is because they need to be prepared for all kinds of events , for this reason we as players should consider all of this before going out to play in a physical casino, to avoid that and avoid problems that may arise, online casinos are recommended.
I disagree though, and I will say that based on my experienced, it was the adults that are going to start, specially in games like billiards as what the OP has seen as this game might not be physical, but there are a lot of money on the line and there are trash talking here.
If it will be in physical casino? Nah, I doubt that it will happen because there are so much security there.
And again from what the OP has witnessed, this game is being played in the neighborhood and so there are a lot of people watching and maybe the person that started everything has obviously not just lose his money, but his mind as well as he can't take that he had been beaten.
Everybody has his own experience and his own conclusions, and that's okay. I share your point, adults usually can start to shake things up, however, it was in the neighborhood, so the violence could have been avoided if there were different factors in place, like doing everything in the physical casinos, with guards, a classic.