Pocket Rockets Casino is the number one trusted crowd funded Bitcoin gambling site with over 2600 Bitcoin invested.
The site currently has a total profit for investors at 1474 Bitcoin, almost all made from October last year on the dice game.
At the start of the year I added a leverage system where you can keep less Bitcoin on site, reducing counter party risk.
Well, seeing as your trust lating is in the negative, I guess I'll refrain from sending my coins to you Thanks for the invitation, though. I'll hold on to my fat stack of bitcoins
actually he's totally legit. his trust is only negative because of some overzealous dumbass named bayareacoins, not from any scam. he has one of the longest running most legitimate investment sites out there and has been #1 for quite some time.
that all said, ill pop my head into this thread every now and then seeing if anyone ever contributes a good idea itt. i wish there was legit stuff to invest in, it just all reeks of bullshit out there unfortunately.
btc has such unbelievable potential if people werent such scum.
If the whole AM ordeal has taught me anything it's that even the most legit-seeming and honest people may, at some point, turn evil. Everyone's a human being, and humans have the tendency to protect themselves first.