It depends on the wallet that you are going to use to be honest, though it is still depends on you on where you are comfortable, but if I were you, I'm going to store some of my bitcoins in the web wallet and the rest will be in the hardware wallet or in the white paper, because it is safer than most of the wallet here in the crypto world. But still, you have to be careful on where you are going to save or going to keep your private key because it is the most important thing that you needed to open your wallet.
Whenever you decide to keep your bitcoin, let just pray that internet will keep exist forever since bitcoin can't be operated once internet was down.
For me personally, I'm usually sell my bitcoin every month so if bitcoin one can't be use for trading anymore, at least I can enjoy my past attempt to sold some of my bits
Yes, the Internet now will never disappear from our lives. And it's very good and convenient.
I keep my bitcoins in the purse I believe that this type of storage provides me with security and reliability