Whenever i won something big in gambling i evertually loss all of them including my initial deposit. So it is like lucky + unlucky day which is every day.
If you are winning on that day considered your self a luck because if you lose then you are not lucky. Before the game there is no magic spell or a sign that we are going to be lucky it will be always upon the games result of the day. Just do not think of winning when you gamble just think of the fun it may bring then if you win, it will be a surprise and its a lucky day.
we can not know when our lucky day is come, but maybe if we can win with easy and in several time, we can think that our luck day is with us. and if we are understand that our lucky day can not beside us in every time we played, then we need to control our emotion or at least we don't have to played in every day or we don't have to chase for winning money.