There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
I have one question and one answer
Question : and why did you decide that family/money management is only applicable if you have a small income ?
Answer: family budget management is ALWAYS necessary !
You should plan your income, expenses and even your payment calendar, so that you don't get what is called "cash flow gap" at one moment - when you should have money in the nearest time, but at the moment when you need to pay, you don't have it.
At the same time, you have to take into account everything on the cost side - utilities, school fees for the kids, parking fees, food costs, loans and obligations, etc.
The same goes for income. Otherwise, the picture will not be very accurate, which means you may have an erroneous assessment of the situation.
And then you will see the real picture - what you need to do - where to save, where you can postpone, and where you need to start looking for additional income! Good luck and profit to you !