Financial freedom doesn't necessarily mean you will be a millionaire or super wealthy, it means that you will not need to work anymore and if yes then by choice. You also don't have to run a business, build a company or to make a startup (ICOs in our case). It's less about income and more about an outcome, saving is a really important factor in the whole financial freedom. The sooner you want to be free and live by choice, the more money you need to save.
Investment is playing two parts in this economic game, investment is a one way to gain profits for the long-term and take your 1 million dollars and make it 2 million dollars in ten years, which might be slow but safe and influencing part in your life. The second part is that investment is also a way to store your value and in the good case to raise it naturally, let's say each month you can save $1,000 so you add this to your investment and in that way you collect more and more money towards the amount goal, so while you are saving your money you are also growing this up with the time. If you cut your expenses and increase your savings while storing in a smart investment, you are on the right path to financial freedom. It's simple but definitely not easy.
People, especially old people tend to save their wealth in the bank. But 0.5% interest a year and not even this, it's not a saving way. It's a wasted money.
If you are going to hold your savings let's say 100,000 USD in your bank for ten years, then you literally just spent thousands of dollars. How? You simply could put it in the safest investments and make it through and once you want to take this out, you could have above 150,000 instead of 105,000. Your bank is your enemy for savings, they can't give you what you really want. Holding money is valuable and can be used for more money in a very safe way. Every moment that your money doesn't have a purpose, you are losing money, you are losing time, you are masking a mistake!
You are correct, but 99% of the people cannot make use of your advice, why? Because they do not save anything in fact most of them are in debt and the few that save their money are never going to invest not realizing that saving is just the beginning of their financial independence you need to use that money to invest, when I exposed that to my friends they did not believe me, so ignorance about how to increase your wealth is a huge problem among the general population.