It is true that no one can accurately predict when the market will recover, because crypto movements are very volatile. We can only guess based
on previous crypto movement patterns, which are not necessarily accurate. That is why investing in crypto has a very high risk and it is advisable
to use cold money for investment. So if the market moves not according to our predictions, then we can stay calm and not panic.
The conclusion is that no one can know when the market will recover and the bull market will come, so there is no need to think too much about
when the market will recover. As long as we invest in potential coins, we just need to be patient waiting for the coins we buy to increase in price.
Because potential coins will usually always recover even when the bear market price falls very deep. Instead of worrying about when the market
will recover, we should just collect coins that we consider potential in a bear market situation like now. After that we just hold on patiently, as long as
our coin selection is good, the profit will come by itself.