Total Bitcoins in circulation: 17,531,188
Total Bitcoins to ever be produced: 21,000,000
Percentage of total Bitcoins mined: 83.48%
Total Bitcoins left to mine: 3,468,813
Total Bitcoins left to mine until next blockhalf: 843,813
Bitcoin price (USD): $3,692.60
Market capitalization (USD): $64,735,697,136.04
Bitcoins generated per day: 1,800
Bitcoin inflation rate per annum: 3.82%
Bitcoin inflation rate per annum at next block halving event: 1.80%
Bitcoin inflation per day (USD): $6,646,684
Bitcoin inflation until next blockhalf event based on current price (USD): $3,115,863,682
Total blocks: 562,495
Blocks until mining reward is halved: 67,505
Total number of block reward halvings: 2
Approximate block generation time: 10.00 minutes
Approximate blocks generated per day: 144
Difficulty: 6,061,518,831,027
Hash rate: 41.44 Exahashes/s
source: Bitcoin Block Reward Halving Countdown
numbers keep changing every second, to see the latest status please visit the source website.
This doesn't count coins lost/missing/stolen/etc.
of course not, we never know the exact number is missing, the blockchain only records everything in the chain, but it seems that it doesn't record when someone loses bitcoin because of forgetting passwords, private keys, system market errors or stolen balances, then the bitcoin remains in the blockchain, just move wallet or even just stay in the same wallet. If at this time many do research, they only have approximate numbers, not the right number.