This is the problem with selling physical goods online, ebay protects the buyer but there is no protection for the seller. Unless the goods are sent to a mediator which both parties can trust, these scams will continue but having a mediator in between for physical goods increases the shipping and handling costs and which is why even that won't work.
A mentor of mine used to sell on eBay back in 2001. They had a sale during Christmas and because of the popularity of the product, they sold over 900k with in a month of Christmas. Because of the control that Paypal took over the money, my friend ended up going bankrupt and lost everything he had. He ended up with over $1,000,000 in inventory in his warehouse and nowhere to move it to cover the bills he was due to his suppliers. PayPal screwed him bad all because they felt the need to reverify my friend after he was already verified. I do not trust them for anything. Playing with eBay and Paypal is kinds of like gambling.
Did your friend know there is a limit on how much you can sell on Ebay. If you register as a business, you can sell more.