Ethereum nowa
The official website of the project Ethereum Nowa, which does not contain white paper, but describes the process of obtaining ETN, where ethereal holders must first send ETH to the address, then export the private key and only then buy out the cryptocurrency using a special online tool.
It is also noted that one of the users of the Etherscan service claims in the comments to the above address that he is involved in fraud and warns the community not to send any funds.
In turn, the tool designed to receive new coins is a clone of the well-known MyEtherWallet (MEW) service with the original logo, site name and a page in another domain, which some browsers mark the site as unsafe.
Analyzing the code, the Guarda Wallet team wrote that the private key is not only processed by the tool, but also sent to a remote server and according to the report, Ethereum Nowa allows fraudsters to get personal information and access to the user's wallet.
Ethereum Classic Vision
The next hardfork Ethereum Classic Vision, according to the official document of the project will be held today, January 11 at 20:00 GMT. The site contains links to a downloadable wallet for Windows and Linux, as well as a web tool.
“No matter what authorized wallet you use to store your ETH, your free ETCV will initially be sent to Ethereum Classic Vision’s official wallet. Although we are currently negotiating with a number of popular wallets, at the moment we will not be able to send ETCV to these wallets due to certain differences in the algorithms used, "- says the message on the site.
The Guarda Wallet team noted that although this project looked more solid than the ETN, during a careful study it was found that the ETCV team also assigns private user keys:
"The analysis of the code performed by our team showed that the provided code fragment actually sends your private key data to the Ethereum Classic Vision servers, disguising them as an API token," the report says
A good post. Many people believe in the first 2 hard forks, but apparently these are typical scammers who instead of paying out their coins simply have their users' private keys.I have 6 ethereum on my wallet. I’ll be glad if some free coins are added. If even this happens, I don’t think they will be expensive.