Now I know, there are a different units of measurement used by different countries, so this would make it a bit complex, but for the sake of this experiment, let's convert the quantity to the same amount of liquid.
1 x Liter = 0.264172051242 gallons.
So your answer might look like this :
I can buy 4000 Liters of Coca Cola with 1 Bitcoin at the current price. < $316 / BTC >
Let's keep it simple, just to show people the actual value of 1 Bitcoin.
Edits :
#The 4000 liters was just a example... rather insert your quantity / amount you can buy with 1 Bitcoin there at the current price, when you calculated it.
# Like one of the posters did it already : I can buy 897.44 liters of Coca Cola for 1 BTC
*Thanks rgm108
# If you live in another country and you use for example galon, just convert it or put the liters in brackets.
# I see some people struggle with the math. < Just post your cost and we will help you >
# Also, let's not get to technical - Use bottled Coca Cola not the fake Coca Cola they mix at the Vendor. {Plastic bottles seems to be the cheapest} ?
I think there is none country on the world where coca cola would be so expensive you would not die if you would drink for 1 bitocin of cocacola. Even 0.1 BTC can be a deadly dose in most of countries.