As the weeks go by the realization Bitcoin Cash is superior and a better version will cause it's value to sky rocket.
Shame on core and segwit2x.
And here we go with the lack of economic understanding.0, nada , none.
Fees are higher because currently the blocks of
BTC are still full and bitcoincash are empty.Because nobody uses bitcoincash.
Demand and offer, need to transfer vs space in the block.And everything is pointing at
BTC being the winner.
I work hard for my bitcoin and wouldn't spend anything but fiat on a cup of coffee.
Why wouldn't anyone spend crypto on anything so mundane? And fees are only
part of the reason. The opportunity cost alone makes it quite prohibitive.
Imagine if you'd wasted bitcoin on coffee last'd be like that guy who
bought a 10,000BTC pizza. I don't want that on my tombstone.
Without "the guy" that bought that pizza 99.99999999% of us would be here and the price would still be....
Oh, wait, there would be no price for it.
So show "the guy" a little respect.