I get $10 000/y like a fucking slave
My spending basic is $5 000 / year, including food, $2 500 without food
I live in the former SSSR
Another reason to move away
Also they give me these communistic so called "benefits" when you get like prepaid cards for predefined services
I know in this country I am living, there is only a little salary you can received even your work is too much. Previously, I am earning 3.90$ a day. In each day that 3.90$ will be allotted for my food (breakfast, lunch dinner, meriendas), travel to work and school, some are for print and photocopy. All in all 3.90$ is not enough and no money is left from it, I am have no money for some extra things. I can’t buy some clothes, no time and money for jamming and no money to save. I am very happy if there is no school. All the money for travel is just used to go to work.