$45.20 usd per day. KNC Titans. Mining LTC to BTC via Shapeshifter
Now how this may work after btc halving I'm unsure
Rechecked that is profit after electric and the equip has roi'd
What?$45.20 USD per day?it's amazing. very big amount to me. Do you using hardware tools to mining too?I'm curious with this.it was very large after deducting the cost of electricity.
equiv of 2 titans full out (some bad dies) 14 cubes and 3 controllers (and 2 mod'd with clone bridges Jupiter to titan controllers)
using this calc
www.litecoinpool.org/calc for LTC feel free to use it don't have to be part of the pool
as of now I get this
1000mh at 14c kwh and 4100 watts (gen tarkin 3rd party firmware) and 4.67 LTC
24 hours 12.57055664 LTC 58.70 USD 13.78 USD 44.93 USD
7 days 87.99389648 LTC 410.93 USD 96.43 USD 314.50 USD
30 days 377.11669922 LTC 1761.13 USD 413.28 USD 1347.85 USD
NOW lets be clear here..this is all due to DUMB LUCK on my part
(not kidding)
I have ONE orig Titan at ORIG price which likely I'd still not have ROI'd on with electric even now
I got a 2nd Titan March 2015 on the panic dump of Titans back then due to the 'supposed fact' that all this new equip to replace it (scrypt miners...bigger ones)
were coming out alpha-tech/flower tech/volcano etc..some were scams others did not get made because LTC price dumped. I figured at the time I could run
the Titans till JULY 2015 ..as did most selling at that time....so got a full working Titan with shipping from Australia for $569 bucks or 2.69 btc (guy just wanted
to replace the BTC he had into it from mining to that point and what he paid at the BTC high ...prob 11 BTC or so...it was a Neptune upgrade to Titan I think)
So again ..dumb luck....the equipment then was NOT made..thus that brief window of a few weeks...and the price of Titans shot back up. Also it helped in 2015
if like me and other Titan owners you were so p/o'd on never ROI'ing at 1.30 LTC you just mined and held it out of stubbornness to sell at over 3.50 LTC prices later.
as to the latest panic dump here in this last month of May 2016
Also got this on eBay (yes it really was a NEW KNC Titan unused in the box) split the 2nd Titan with a buddy with shipping of 75 bucks total was $1,825.00 for each.
(got to love PayPal and credit card protection ..we kinda expected a box of rocks)
http://www.ebay.com/itm/KNC-Titan-Scrypt-Miner-Package-/131792974267?hash=item1eaf7931bb%3Ag%3AAQIAAOSwKfVXHr2z&nma=true&si=OKbDuhajvSyqEy7%252FzpKLbff7jVU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557Even the cube he said was dead works....both units full out....
WE suspect it was a class action by a corp and they were told (mistakenly) not to use the equipment.the guy selling did not seem to know much imho
thus probably told to sell it due to the knc class action loss in the lawsuit...to recoup what they have to pay knc now for losing (that has to suck)
anyway only thing that makes sense on WHY this was unused (both) since Nov 2014 and still new in box.
SO JUST TO BE CLEAR to those thinking of running out and buying some Titan Equipment (which depending on halving may or may.... not on eBay NOW do I see any...
be over priced) ....a normal probably fair price of a Titan on Ebay is 3.3k (low) to 3.7k (high) NOTE: this is USED.... if there were any (none on now I can see on ebay)....YOU might ROI
on such even at these prices (saying price does not differ at halving) in say (with electric) 11 months (at my 14c kwh) But again who knows with BTC halving coming
up and LTC's connection to BTC price.
NOT sure it is worth it. So if you do decide to get equipment like this you have to be kinda silly as the only one doing so... in the crowd doing the opposite
and in it more for the hobby then sense and HOPE stuff breaks your way (price hike etc) The old if there is 'blood on the streets' then you buy logic.
Anyway I've roi'd (if you count all my equip now... I LOST 1 month of mining to get back to my original LTC for 1/3 increase in hash power or just looking at roi on the eBay
unit I'll 'officially' roi on that at these prices in 3 months with electric IF they stay more or less where they are at for BTC and LTC that is attached at the hip of BTC
So the odds are high....and again it is dumb luck....so use the above calculator on your endeavors .....and remember the March 2015 purchase was
considered 'dumb' at the time...but I already had 1 Titan I'd never ROI'd on I figured so got the 2nd for the 'toy' factor...this last Titan was a hope and a prayer
and paypal and credit card protection (I mean the guy had a 1 feedback rating)...
But we will see with halving coming up for BTC and LTC linked to BTC it could be good it could be bad for LTC who knows.....
flip a coin...always seems to come down to just flipping a coin on if you continue mining/ get new equip/ sell current equipment it is all just a guess
anyway hopefully the calc helps on some decisions SHOULD you trip over something that is dumb/lucky and makes sense..my advice is just buy BTC or LTC
it would probably be safer...but crap CAN fall out of the sky in your lap....damn hard to tell with all the scams etc...but it CAN happen
good luck
$45.20 usd per day. KNC Titans. Mining LTC to BTC via Shapeshifter
Now how this may work after btc halving I'm unsure
Rechecked that is profit after electric and the equip has roi'd
hmm, pretty interesting. can you share more information about your plan. like for example how much did you pay (investment) for the equipment and how much does your electricity cost?
and also i would like to know how long is your equipment running each day to earn that much? is it 24/7 or less.
The electric costs and other stuff is in above other quoted part of this post.
I have with electric (I have at least up to this last month ATE the electric costs..with this much equipment now likely can't do that anymore) have almost to the cent
24k in Equipment and that includes all the electric since my KNC Jupiter 550gh till now with the Titans thru May 2016) and again all electric.
I have the equiv of (if I dumped LISK and LTC and converted all at this time to BTC) about 106 BTC from the above...so ahead of the game.
MY SUPPOSED game plan (if new Titans stop falling from the sky and taking my coin) was to just sit on 100 BTC (I mean really if BTC is gonna make it it will keep/rise in price
if not its all tulips anyway...so if BTC makes it imho the diff between 100 BTC and the supposed maybe 110-115 btc I MAY still get out of mining is minimal)
So the plan IS now that I'm at around 106 BTC (with the lisk) to take any profits from now on AFTER ELECTRIC and simply blow it on what I want non BTC related and
leave the 100 btc alone and hoard it ..kool aid drinker that I am
Thus say before end of life of Titans (they are evil and try to brick themselves often if you make direct eye contact) ...I could perhaps (dare I dream this) knock my Total
equip/elec costs from 24k to say around 15k? If BTC was to hit 650 usd as some have said after halving..sounds much better to say you have 15k invested for 65k then 24k
invested for 65k don't ya know..and at 0.008 LTC to BTC (modest guess imho) that is $5.20 LTC.
anyway if 100 BTC can't get you anyplace in the future it is a nice 'hedge' to knock my total investment down and have the equip pay for electricity from now on...if BTC
goes to the MOON I have a bit less..if it goes TULIPS i have a bit less of a loss win/win. Anyway with my original 'boat anchor' never ROI 10,131.80 Titan and the Jupiter
550gh I had..I maybe could have gotten 63 BTC and 53 of that BTC was the Jupiter. Seems to be where I was at before getting the 2nd Titan ..I was a pretty depressed
puppy..so 100 BTC is way beyond what I thought I could pull out of this. Thus probably the 'wise' thing to do is just keep the 100 BTC and knock the debt down.
we will see ....this of course will NOT happen if suddenly I trip over any super deals like my last 2 titans....but I'm trying to be 'responsible' ...and trying not count on my
cluelessness and luck anymore......would be pleasant just so sit on 100 btc hoard and 15k of investment knocked down to in equipment and watch BTC crank back up to
1000 usd a coin after I'm out of mining. (ah dare to dream)
But as you can see from the above again...dumb luck was the major component in all this (that an heating 85% of my house last winter..that was pleasant)
Less stress that is for sure once the Titans 'doorstop'.