In other words, the online device transfers the digest and pubkey to the signer. The signer returns (r, s) where k follow RFC 6979. The online device builds the transaction and the user checks that the inputs/outputs are what he expects.
Can something still go wrong?
Yes. “k” can be deterministic, but it has to be unknown, otherwise you can extract the private key “d” from “(r, s)”. In RFC6979, the choice of “k” depends on the private key “d”, it (hopefully) cannot be reproduced without it.
tl;dr thread summary:
gmaxwell's proposal based on blind Schnorr signatures prevents that by replacing the “r” component of a signature with a different value “r'” which depends on two random choices, only one of which is made by the offline wallet itself. “r” is still generated in the process, but not published into the blockchain.
-- The original “r” has to be kept secret.
-- Schorr signatures are not compatible with ECDSA, so this solution requires a change of the Bitcoin protocol.
In my proposal using ZK proofs, the offline wallet outputs a proof “p” together with the signature “(r, s)”, where “p” proves the following statement: (“Q” is the public key, “m” the message.)
There exist integer numbers “d”, “x”, “k” such that: Q=dG AND k=H(m||d) AND (r, x) = kG.
Since the formula has only existentially quantified variables, it is an NP statement and we know that there exist ZK proofs for it. Since the wallet knows the witnesses “d” and “k”, it has all the knowledge necessary to generate such a proof “efficiently”.
-- How to make sure that the wallet does now leak secrets through the proof, as most ZK proofs require lots of random choices by both parties (prover and verifier).
-- Alternatively the proof has to be kept secret like the original “r” in the blind Schnorr signature scheme.
-- How to make the proof efficient enough for practical applications, especially the part “k = H(m||d)” for a complicated cryptographic hash function “H”.